【Upcoming Events】 20230531 Weaving the Wonders of the Underwater World

  • 2023-05-16
  • J小編

活動日期 Date:2023/05/31(Wed.)
活動時間 Time:18:30-20:30
活動地點 Venue:創想空間 (登峰學苑地下室) Inspiration space (Dorm 4 B1)
活動內容 Content:釘線畫教學(木頭、釘子與毛線) String Art Courses (Wood & Nail)
表單網址 URL:https://forms.gle/4BNPBs5DhPBf4L3V9

The instructor will be teaching in Chinese.

If you are unable to attend, please email "Name, Student Number, Event Name, Reason for Absence" to "dss@asia.edu.tw" in advance to request your absence.