【Upcoming Events】Dormitory Knowledge Activity - Learning SDGs Goals
日期 Date:2023/12/12(Tue.)
时间 Time:15:00~17:30
地点 Venue:创想空间 (登峰学苑B1) Inspiration space (Dorm 4 B1)
内容 Content:CPR、AED操作、急救证照
表单网址 URL:https://forms.gle/2X2YvDnckptsTmdi8
The instructor will be teaching in Chinese.
若无法参加请提早使用亚洲大学学生信箱来信 (dss@asia.edu.tw)请假,须注明「姓名、学号、活动名称及时间、请假原因」。
If you are unable to attend, please use Asia University student mailbox to email "Name, Student Number, Event Name, Reason for Absence" to "dss@asia.edu.tw" in advance to request your absence.
Residential Colleges and Housing Services Section