112-1 Dormitory Occupancy Matters (2023/08/25 new)

  • 2023-08-04
  • J小編
A. Dormitory opening for occupancy from 2023/09/02 (Sat) to 09/17 (Sun).
(1) Occupied by timeshare from 2023/09/02 (Sat) to 09/03 (Sun).
Booking Method Online Reservation, URL: https://forms.gle/VfDnm4n9HKv3pg1s6
※Room number beginning: Gratitude Hall (1); Blessing Hall (8); Dreamweaver Hall (9); Summit Hall (6)
Booking Date From 2023/08/25 (Fri) 10:00 to 08/28 (Mon) 10:00
Booking Timeslots
Number of people
09/02~09/03 (1) 08:30~10:00(2) 10:00~12:00(3) 13:30~15:00
(4) 15:00~17:00(5) 18:00~19:30(6) 19:30~21:00
(1)~(4): Open 110 people for booking Occupancy each dormitory, 50 people for Summit Hall.
(5)(6): Open 60 people for booking Occupancy each dormitory, 20 people for Summit Hall.
※Please confirm the date and time before submitting.
※Traffic Conductors work from 08:30~17:00.
※Family members are allowed to enter the dormitory and must leave before 21:00.
Confirm Booking Google Forms will return a copy of the email.
Changing timeslots: Reselect the timeslots to submit the form, it will be based on the last time.
Cancellation: Use the student mailbox and send an e-mail with "Name, Student ID, Reason for Cancellation" to dss@asia.edu.tw.
※No changing timeslots after 08/28 10:00; no cancellation after 09/01 15:00.
Missed Booking You can check in directly at 07:00~08:30 & 21:00~22:00 on 09/02 & 09/03.
(2) You can check in without booking between 08:00~21:00 from 2023/09/04 (Mon) to 09/17 (Sun). Family members are not allowed to enter the dormitory.
※If you need to borrow a trolley, please go to the dormitory counter and mortgage your ID card.
Persons suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19 or influenza should stay home and rest until they are well to avoid spreading the infection to other residents.

B. Dormitory schedule
Items Contents
112-1 Bed Announcement 2023/08/23 (Sat) 17:00.
Begin Roll Call Date 2023/09/17 (Sun) Start.
※If you have a personal reason for not checking in by the deadline, you must request a leave online.
Baggage Claim Period If you have deposited baggage, you must claim it before 2023/09/17 (Sun).
※Uncollected items will be handled by the Housing Services Section without objection.
Bed Change Request Date 2023/09/25 (Mon) Start.

C. Bed planning will be adjusted based on the COVID-19 epidemic and beds will be levied, adjusted, canceled or discontinued as necessary.

D. The Housing Services Section has the right to modify, change, suspend or terminate the occupancy matters, and the details are subject to the announcement on our website. If you have any questions, please use the Asia University student mailbox to send email to dss@asia.edu.tw